━━ 감성을 위한 ━━/쉬어가는곳

[호주시드니] 길바닥 위의 커피컵 모나리자

Joyfule 2011. 3. 4. 11:03


This is amazingly brilliant and artistic!  
( 놀라운 예술작품)

Bet you a cup of coffee that you will never be able to figure out how this was achieved.
(이걸 어떻게 만들었을까요?) 

원본 크기의 사진을 보려면 클릭하세요

3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant
Mona Lisa painting in Sydney , Australia .
The 3,604 cups  of coffee
were each filled with different amounts
of milk to create the different tones and shades !
(3,604개의 밀크와 커피 컵으로 만든 모나리자像입니다.)

'━━ 감성을 위한 ━━ > 쉬어가는곳' 카테고리의 다른 글

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