━━ 감성을 위한 ━━/사진gallery

세계의 사막들

Joyfule 2021. 8. 28. 10:02

세계의 사막들

Sand dunes, Rub al Khal


Oasis Huakachina, Peru


The dried bed of the river, the desert of Sonora, Mexico


Namib Desert and the Atlantic Ocean, Namibia 


El Ma Lake Ouema, Libya 


White Desert, Egypt 


Pinnakls Desert, Western Australia


Artificially irrigated fields, Jordan


The dunes, Rub al Khali - Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates


Solar Power Plant, Mojave Desert, California, USA


Dune Road devastated, Egypt 


Oasis "crescent" in the Gobi Desert


Train in the desert, South Australia


Takla Makan Desert, China


National Park Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil